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Big-hearted salad growers share their love
Local Western Australian growers shared their freshly harvested produce and salads daily with thousands through Love my Salad - the social salad network, during the Perth Royal Show in Western Australia.
Amongst the bustling enthusiastic crowd of salad lovers in the Greenfingers Garden, Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett paid a visit to the exhibition and chatted with AUSVEG Young Grower of the Year Danny Trandos of Trandos Hydroponics.
“It was great to visit the Greenfingers Garden and see some of the initiatives being promoted around healthy eating and self-sufficiency,” Mr Barnett said.
"I was also particularly interested to see the way the vegetable garden was landscaped. The gardens were quite inspiring.”
Love my Salad hosted various local growers during the Show’s duration and provided an interactive platform. Growers shared their salads, gave away packs of spinach seeds and cherry tomato plants and encouraged children to learn about growing edible plants so they can experience the fun joy and vitality associated with establishing a home vegetable garden and eating healthily.The Love my Salad community acknowledges the generous support of growers Maureen Dobra of the Loose Leaf Lettuce Company, Aaron Natoli of Natoli Produce, Jim Trandos of Trandos Farms, Denyse Zalsman of Zaldeesh, Lachlan Grierson of Supa Fresh, Danny Trandos of Trandos Hydroponics, and Damien Rigali of Gourmet Fresh Farm, as well as the Garden Gurus for organising the Greenfingers Garden.
"Who said you can't win friends with salad" ... see the video