We have come up with a selection of easy snacking salads for you to create and enjoy.
Each salad showcases a combination of three knockout ingredients that wont take much longer than five minutes to prepare.
Cure your hunger instantly with these snacking salads.


Melon with goat cheese, tomato and cucumber
Average 3 of 5 stars
Watermelon and pomegranate salad with red onion
Average 3 of 5 stars
Indian carrot salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Ox-heart tomato and basil salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Kerry's Spring Garden Salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Red cabbage and cranberry salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Elegant eggplant salad with saffron yoghurt and pomegranate
Average 3 of 5 stars
Middle Eastern salad with crunchy Cos lettuce
Average 3 of 5 stars
Fruit salad from Jamaica
Average 3 of 5 stars
Mediterranean garden salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Vietnamese style salad wraps with prawns
Average 3 of 5 stars
Continental Cucumber Kebabs
Average 3 of 5 stars
An aromatic South-East Asian raw vegetable and papaya salad
Average 3 of 5 stars
Carrot and apple salad with peanuts
Average 3 of 5 stars
Broccoli Salad with Raisins and Garden Peas
Average 3 of 5 stars
Walnut, pear and parmesan salad
Average 3 of 5 stars