
  • 4 dates, pitted
  • 3 x medium sized carrots, finely grated (about 250g)
  • 5 tbsp puffed quinoa
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • ½ tsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp freshly grated ginger
  • Desiccated coconut (2-3 tbsp)

Author of this recipe

Love My Salad

Love My Salad

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When it comes to healthy snacks, you often think of fruit, raw food or crackers. But you can make these delicious carrot and date truffles to snack on with very little effort. Enjoy them over several days as this recipe makes 8 to 10 balls, which you can easily store in the fridge. Did we mention that they're really good? The carrot and honey add sweetness while the peanut butter makes them scrumptious, and the puffed quinoa adds just the right amount of crunch. Reward yourself!

Total votes: 486


  • Chop the dates finely in a food processor. 
  • Then mix the dates with the rest of the ingredients and roll into small balls.
  • If you like coconut, you can roll the truffles through desiccated coconut. 
  • Store the truffles in a sealed container in the fridge until ready to eat (they stay fresh for about 3-4 days).
  • Can't find puffed quinoa? Substitute with 3 tablespoons of crushed walnuts. Just grind them first in a blender or use a pestle and mortar.

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