
  • One punnet of 8 small cocktail sized tomatoes (I used Amoroso)
  • Half red onion finely sliced
  • Small bunch of fresh coriander
  • Salt to taste

Dressing ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Author of this recipe



Amateur cook

As a mum I think it is important to share with your children a love for fresh food like salads. Congratulations on the website. Read more

I just love the flavours of this salad and it's the perfect accompaniment to a home made curry.

Total votes: 638


Quarter the tomatoes and finely chop the red onion and coriander. Mix together in a bowl. I try to make this about half an hour ahead, season with a bit of salt then let stand at room temperature to bring out the best of the tomato taste. Just before serving stir through the dressing. Enjoy!! (on the side with a lamb & eggplant curry!)

Tips from the author

Note: Amoroso tomatoes are 'cocktail' or salad tomatoes about 40-50g in size sold as a truss of 8 'on the vine'. This salad makes 4 side serves.

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