Share your passion!

Please read this practical guide so you don't get lost on Love my Salad:

Love my Salad is about

Love my Salad is not about

Getting involved
Love my Salad is all about salads, about inspiring others, enjoying ideas and sharing stories with salad lovers.

Just creating a profile to promote your product or services is not sharing our ambition - unless it's part of your salad or salad story!

Sharing the fun
Love my salad is about sharing knowledge, information about salads, asking for help and giving advice. Everybody can join and share their salad story.

Inappropriate comments
Swearing, nudity, or offensive comments are a no go. We appreciate positive comments and suggestions. Please check our terms and conditions.



Create your own profile

Do you have unique recipes that you want to share with the world? Or do you know any good ingredients that we could use in our salads? Create your own profile now and contribute to our platform!

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