The zucchini is a fruit vegetable with a length of 10 to 25 centimeters. This vegetable is family of the cucumber and has a mild, neutral flavor.

Zucchini taste at their best when they are still small and have a maximum length of 30 centimeters (350 grams). The zucchini has no strong flavor, so much depends on the flavor of the other ingredients of the zucchini recipe. 

How to prepare

Wash the zucchini before use and cut off the crown. They don't have to be peeled. Zucchini is usually eaten cooked, but you can also enjoy it raw or fried. Zucchini can also be cut in cubes just like any other cucumber be put in vinegar with herbs.

Buyer's and storage guide

Zucchinis should have a flawless skin and feel firm. The crown may still be present.

Do not store the zucchini in the refrigerator but in a cool place, like the storeroom. That way, the zucchini can after-ripen and thus the flavor will be better.


  • Thin slices on the pizza
  • Fried with peppers, eggplant and garlic
  • Stuffed with minced meat and rice
  • Casserole with zucchini slices, tomato and eggs with grated cheese - mashed in soup - long slices brushed with olive oil and grilled in a frying pan or on the grill