
  • 5-6 medium sized truss tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
  • Some cup basil leaves
  • Salt flakes and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 large chorizo, sliced
  • 50g toasted pinenuts (optional)

Dressing ingredients

  • 1 tbs sherry vinegar
  • 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil

Author of this recipe



Grower / producer

Flavour starts with us! Flavorite is Australia's largest glasshouse producer of fresh fruits and vegetables, delivering the most flavoursome produce in the market. Read more

A tasty Spanish tapas style side salad that is easy to prepare. Serve alongside a bowl of olives and some crusty bread.

Total votes: 739


Cut the tomatoes into wedges and place in a bowl with the onion, then drizzle with the vinegar and oil. Cover and leave to stand for 5-10 minutes. 
Pan fry the chorizo in a hot non stick pan until browned on both sides. Add to tomato salad, toss and serve.
Pan fry to lightly toast the pine nuts quickly till just browned the top along with the fresh basil (or try mint leaves) before serving.

Tips from the author

This recipe was provided by Flavorite hydroponic Tomatoes, Australia

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