
  • 1 lettuce
  • 3 Lebanese cucumbers, washed and sliced
  • A full handful of snow peas, washed and spun, topped and tailed and halved if large
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 8 balls labneh
  • 250g strawberries, washed and sliced
  • Pomegranate, separated (optional and superb during Christmas)

Dressing ingredients

  • 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard
  • 1 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional)
  • Put all ingredients in a small jar and shake vigorously until combined

Author of this recipe

Frances Tolson

Frances Tolson

Amateur cook

I’ve been connected to vegetables my entire life. Some of my best childhood memories are working on my family’s vegetable farm, eating the freshest watermelons, hiding under cabbage leaves and... Read more
I recently made this salad at a primary school for about 40 children. Some of them told me that they didn't like or eat salad. One child who told me this came back for five servings. BIG servings! A pretty good effort from that young fella who didn't like salad.  
This has to be one of my most favourite salads due to its simplicity to not only shop for and make with short notice, but also for the reason that it's so easy to eat and digest too. The colour contrasting ingredients resemble the colours of Christmas and are core staples in my fridge so it can be made any time of the year, not just at Christmas time.  
The combination of these ingredients is marvellous, good enough to tempt the fussiest of the non-salad centric 'customers'. After all, it is a salad made with love.
Total votes: 619


Core the lettuce, separate the leaves, wash in icy water and spin dry
Arrange lettuce leaves on a platter  
Add sliced cucumbers over the lettuce leaves 
Scatter snow peas over the cucumbers 
Drizzle dressing over the snow peas 
Add the avocado 
Quarter the labneh balls with your fingers and arrange in between avocado slices 
Add strawberries 
Finish with a sprinkling of pomegranate for festive cheer. 

Tips from the author

I use Salanova butter lettuce. Alternatively you can use Cos and gem lettuce (use three gem lettuce for this recipe). 

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