My friend, Aaron Natoli of Western Australia shared this recipe with me and the 2013 Perth Royal Show goers. It combines kale, beetroot and purple carrots which can be served as a side dish or a healthy main meal.
Wash all vegetable components thoroughly.
Coarsely grate 2-3 Dutch carrots, 2-3 purple carrots and 1 medium beetroot and place in your salad bowl.
Thinly slice 2 cavalo nero leaves and 2 green kale leaves.
Place kale on top of the carrots and beetroot.
Season with sea salt and black pepper and mix well.
Drizzle sweet chilli sauce. Start off with a small amount and vary depending on your taste preference.
Toss and serve.
Tips from the author
This recipe makes a large volume of salad. If you only dress what you need, the remainder can be stored in the fridge and later steamed for 5-10 minutes for a wonderful warm dish.
To add more variety to the salad you can add some rainbow radish, red onion, walnuts and feta.
This salad was kindly shared by Aaron Natoli of Natoli Produce, Western Australia at the Perth Royal Show in September 2013.
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