Organics explained
I believe we need to get back to basics and it all starts with the soil. If we look after the biology and organic matter in the soil, our plants will be strong and able to absorb the soil’s nutrients to produce highly nutritious vegetables. The more nutrient dense a vegetable is, the less pressure there is from pests and diseases. Similarly, if you are eating foods that are full of nutrients and your body is absorbing those nutrients, your immune system strengthens as your body reaps the benefits of the nutritious food you are eating.
Our philosophy means better health all round: healthier soils, healthier plants, healthier society. I have experienced it first-hand from the soil up. I am proud of what we grow and how we grow it. We are here to earn a living but not at the expense of consumers’ health. We want people to benefit from our safe, nutritious produce. Consumers have to know that the produce they buy is good to eat and that it is safe and nutrient dense.
Our produce sells at independent shops, branded ‘Paringi Farms’. The tagline, ‘Naturally nutritious’ means that the produce is grown naturally and assures consumers that what they are buying is healthy for them. By branding our produce, we are telling consumers, ‘Hey, look here. We are doing the right thing. We are looking after you. This is your assurance of quality. My phone number is on the sticker – call me if you have a question’. If I am a consumer and there is something wrong, I know I’d want to talk directly with the grower so we offer complete transparency.