
  • A packet or assortment of different coloured tomatoes (yellow, black, red and orange)

Dressing ingredients

  • A bunch of fresh coriander (also called cilantro), best if freshly cut
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon sherry vinegar
  • Salt to taste

Author of this recipe

Tía Lou de El Huerto de Tia Lou

Tía Lou de El Huerto de Tia Lou

Food blogger / food writer

Salads? I go crazy for them all! Fresh or warm, simple or sophisticated. As a #salading addict, I am passionate about everything that has to do with the kitchen, with the field and with the sea.... Read more

Home gardeners know that summer is the time to be immersed in the fresh flavours of tomatoes like the ones from our own garden. The orange, yellow, deep red, and green hues make lovely colourful summer salads. The coriander dressing reminds us of the flavour and aroma of tropical countries. A simple and refreshing salad to celebrate that we are in the tomato season.

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  • Wash the tomatoes and coriander
  • Cut the tomatoes into wedges and place on the tray where you plan to serve the salad
  • Prepare vinaigrette with a few leaves of finely chopped coriander, oil, vinegar and a pinch of salt

Tips from the author

If you do not have any coloured tomatoes, use red cherry tomatoes; these are a bit easier to find.

Set the vinaigrette aside until you are ready to eat so you avoid pickling the tomatoes and losing the fresh tomato texture.

Decorate the salad with some whole coriander leaves.

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