
  • 100g prosciutto
  • 1 rockmelon
  • 1 orange segmented
  • 120g salad mix (mixed lettuce leaves)

Dressing ingredients

  • Olive oil

Author of this recipe

Des Chapman

Des Chapman

Grower / producer

At Rocky Ponds Produce we produce a range of melons: rockmelons, green honeydew and yellow honeydew and Piel de Sapo melons, as well as yellow, green and red capsicums and pumpkins. Our family... Read more

A beautiful salad that combines the sweetness of melons with the salty prosciutto and tangy orange. Served on a bed of fresh lettuce leaves.

Total votes: 839


  • Cut the melon in half and scoop out the seeds. Slice the melon into 16 wedges and cut the rind from the flesh.
  • On a large, flat serving plate (or you can also serve on individual plates), scatter the mixed salad leaves.
  • Arrange the melon wedges over the leaves, tear the prosciutto into smaller pieces and put on top of the melon.
  • Drizzle with olive oil.
  • Place the orange slices on top of the salad and finish with a sprinkle of freshly ground pepper.

Tips from the author

Tip: Melons taste best served at room temperature. This salad will serve 4 people to share as an entree. 

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