Viaggio Veggie - Veggie trip through the most beautiful regions of Bella Italia - by Silvia Censi
Do you really want authentic Italian food? Silvia has created a delicious recipe that will take you on a delightful veggie trip through the most beautiful regions of Italy.
"In the heart of Italy, Umbria offers an incredible variety of landscapes. From the rolling hills to the mountainous ridges of Valnerina with its beautiful waterfalls, to the huge Sibillini mountains. By passing through areas rich in history and culture, you can completely immerse yourself in tradition. We decided to concentrate on the specialty from Umbria, to start with the lentils of Castelluccio di Norcia and to conclude with the onion of Cannara, which reminds us of the importance of quality raw materials. The frequent use of grains gave us the idea for this spelled salad that shows so much character through its simplicity. We could not omit the processing of pork and the tradition of cheese making, which makes this region world-famous."
- Cook the spelt in salted water (see intructions in 'Additional notes')
- Meanwhile, dice the onions and fry in a pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Reduce the heat, add the lentils, marjoram and parsley and cook for 2 minutes
- Meanwhile, bake the ham until it's crispy.
- Mix the spelt with the lentils and onions, season with salt and pepper.
- Serve with grated pecorino cheese and the chopped ham.
Tips from the author
How to cook spelt: Rinse the spelt in a colander and place in a pot. Add water and a few pinches of salt (the ratio is one part grain to three parts water). Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer until the grain is tender. This can take up to an hour.
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