
  • 2 Aubergines
  • Olive oil
  • Tomatoes (250 g of mixed colours)
  • Basil (1/2 bunch coarsely picked or chopped)
  • Cinnamon (1 tbsp)
  • Sea salt (1/2 tbsp)
  • Greek yoghurt (8 tbsp)
  • Harissa (4 tbsp)

Did you know that a delicate touch of cinnamon adds a warm and inviting aroma to tomatoes? This tomato salad, combined with grilled aubergine and harissa and yogurt takes you on a culinary adventure and best of all, this mouthwatering dish can be prepared in just minutes! This is what you need.

Total votes: 152


  • Halve the Aubergines and cut the flesh crosswise. Sprinkle the eggplants with sea salt. Let stand for a few minutes and then drizzle with olive oil.
  • Grill the aubergines with the cut-side down over a medium-high heat. In about 20 – 30 minutes the aubergines will be well cooked. Turn once halfway through.
  • Meanwhile, halve the tomatoes and put them in a bowl. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and season with the cinnamon and chopped basil. Leave the tomato mixture to marinate for at least an hour.
  • Spoon the Greek yogurt onto the plate and drizzle with the harissa.
  • Cut the grilled eggplants and mix them with the tomato mixture.
  • Spoon the tomatoes/aubergines on top of the yogurt, and you're fresh tomato salad is ready to be served.

Fresh tomato salad with grilled eggplants


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