
  • 1/4 fresh, juicy watermelon
  • 1/3 jar (100-150g) of feta
  • 1 handful fresh mint leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Author of this recipe

The Fresh Ingredient

The Fresh Ingredient

Greengrocer / retailer

We love fresh food, we love the convenience of throwing beautiful fresh produce into a bowl dressing it simply and sharing it with family and friends. Read more

When it is so hot the thought of turning on the oven, or going outside to turn on the BBQ is just not an option for dinner. Therefore this salad is just perfect - something light, cooling, easy, with minimal cooking required.

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1. Slice the watermelon and arrange on a serving plate 
2. Crumble the feta over the top of the watermelon
3. Sprinkle a few mint leaves over the salad and season with salt and pepper

Tips from the author

For a slight spicy flavour, thinly slice some red onion or scatter a handful of toasted walnuts (in a dry frypan for 2-5 minutes, tossing continually) and add to the salad.

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