Baby's first solid food? Start with vegetables

Baby's first solid food? Start with vegetables


"Sophie enjoys her fresh vegetable meal every day". We all want our children to eat enough vegetables and grow up healthy. In practice, this often turns out to be a persistent problem for parents. Vegetable consumption is well... Read more

Knowing when it’s time to heal - 3-day detox

Knowing when it’s time to heal - 3-day detox


Over the past 6 weeks, I’ve not only travelled through Europe, but I also ate my way around the continent too. As delightful or frightening that may sound, my time has come to kick back into gear. We all need to indulge here... Read more

Vegetables for breakfast, Love My Salad

Vegetables for breakfast is easier than you think


We all know that we should be enjoying eating more vegetables every day. One meal of the day, arguably the most important, is breakfast, but this is where Australians can find it difficult to include vegetables on their plates.... Read more

Grilled vegetables done right

Grilled vegetables done right


Grilling is perhaps the most delicious way to prepare vegetables. Why? It adds loads of taste and texture. You can eat grilled vegetables hot and/or cold and the addition of the grill stripes make it even more enticing.... Read more

Des Chapman of Rocky Ponds Produce, Gulmu, Queensland.

Q&A with Des Chapman


Rocky Ponds Produce farms a range of melons: rockmelons, green honeydew and yellow honeydew and Piel de Sapo melons, as well as yellow, green and red capsicums and pumpkins. Des Chapman shares his story with Love My Salad.  Read more

The power of protein

The power of protein


After a long day on the water, you’re either a) hungry or b) tired… but generally you come up on the beach feeling both- 10 fold. Nothing says get in my belly like a post session feed. This is where the catch-22 comes in to... Read more

Trusty Trev taught kids about tomatoes at the Little Food Festival, Love My Salad

‘Growing’ the tasty tomato at the Little Food Festival


On the perfect spring day, the Little Food Festival attracted lots of kids and visitors, who came down to explore the food we eat, where it comes from and what impact it can have on our health. Read more

Need help deciding what to do with all those leftover vegetables? Love My Salad has the answer

End of week fridge clean out


The one constant in my hectic life is the random ingredients in the bottom of the vegetable drawer. For years I’ve been meaning to meal plan, have even drafted up a two-week menu complete with supermarket shopping list, but I... Read more

Who eats 7 serves a day?

Who eats 7 serves a day?


That’s right, you read it right seven not five. My mind is blown.Like others I have spoken to recently, I have assumed that is still two serves of fruit and three of vegetables. And to think, I was always slightly chuffed with... Read more

Organic watermelon, grown by Paringi Farms, Love My Salad

Organics explained


I believe we need to get back to basics and it all starts with the soil.  If we look after the biology and organic matter in the soil, our plants will be strong and able to absorb the soil’s nutrients to produce highly... Read more
