Andrew and Zurri Braham of Braham Produce, Virginia, South Australia, share their story with Love my Salad.

Meet the grower: Braham Produce


Andrew and Zurri Braham are the salt of the Earth people and truly passionate about their craft. They are self-proclaimed “perfectionists” and the produce coming from their farm reflects exactly that: blemish-free, glossy... Read more

Gladial melons of Rijk Zwaan

Yellow honeydews worth their weight in gold


At Rocky Ponds Produce we produce a range of melons. The yellow-skinned honeydew is a favourite in our house. Read more

Discover Nasi Campur, in Ubud, Bali. A dish of spicy carrot and banana blossom salads, stir-fried eggplant, coconut curry, ratatouille, garlic infused cauliflower and classic Indonesian greens.

A vegetable discovery in Bali


The island of Bali has been a global travel hotspot for decades and the immense popularity of this exotic location is not without its reasoning. A trip to the Indonesian paradise nicknamed the ... Read more

A story about wanting to eat less meat and enjoy more vegetables

Meat campaign spurs a love of vegetables


Australians might remember the 2007 campaign; “Red meat - we were meant to eat it” fronted by actor Sam Neill. It was cunningly convincing and successfully resulted in an increase of meat consumption Australia-wide. After all,... Read more

Melon farmers, Evan and Des Chapman, share tips for picking a ripe honeydew melon.

How to choose a ripe honeydew melon


Evan and Des Chapman are a father and son duo who farm Rocky Ponds Produce melons. In this video, they share their tips for picking a ripe honeydew melon.  Read more

Make your own vegetable rice

Make your own vegetable rice


We’re seeing more and more recipes using ‘rice’ made from cauliflower or broccoli, as well as pre-packaged rice in the supermarkets. It’s super healthy and a convenient way to eat an extra portion of vegetables. It’s also a... Read more

Six healthy food choices from a jar or the freezer

Six healthy food choices from a jar or the freezer


Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is the healthiest way to consume them right? But did you know in some cases, vegetables actually benefit from operations such as fermentation, heating or freezing? Here’s six products... Read more

The benefits of vegetable skin

The benefits of vegetable skin


If you want to maximise the nutrition of your vegetables, then leave your peeler in the draw and get creative! You probably know you can eat the skin of cucumbers and carrots, but here are some clever ways to get more out of... Read more

Truss tomatoes are a nutritious and delicious addition to vibrant salads or meals with their intense flavour, deep red colour and succulent burst on eating.

7 reasons to love truss tomatoes


Truss tomatoes are a nutritious and delicious addition to vibrant salads or meals with their intense flavour, deep red colour and succulent burst on eating.  Read more

6 reasons to make your own salad dressing

6 reasons to make your own salad dressing


Why make your own salad dressing when there’s a whole aisle of them in all flavours and varieties in every supermarket? Here are six good reasons I think you should and I give you my easy, 4-ingredient, salad dressing recipe... Read more
