
Dressing ingredients

  • 3 tbsp sour cream
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar or cider vinegar
  • salt and pepper

Author of this recipe

Annelies Blaauwkamer

Annelies Blaauwkamer

Community organisation

So many variations are possible with salads, vegetables and dressings, so I never get bored eating them! Every season has it's own produce that can be used to prepare a new salad.Once in a... Read more

An American classic simple creamy cole slaw recipe perfect as a side dish, on top of pulled pork or with a hamburger. 

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1. Shred the cabbage: Cut the cabbage in half and peel off a few of the thin outer layers. Cut each half into quarters, then cut out the tough core in the middle. And run the quarters through a food processor. Transfer the shredded cabbage to a salad bowl.
2. Shred the carrots: Peel the carrots, then either cut them into very small matchsticks or run through the food processor. 
3. Finely chop the red onion. Toss the cabbag, carrots and onions together.
4. Whisk the dressing by mixing together the dressing ingredients. Bring to taste with salt and pepper. 
5. Mix the coleslaw with the dressing and put it on the refrigerator for at least one hour before serving. 

Tips from the author

Easy trick: Get rid of excess water by salting and draining the cabbage before mixing the salad with the other ingredients. 

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